My website's got them, the series is called Career Change, [link] . Most of it's only PG13/R, but there's an NC17 epilogue to one because SOME people (glaring around the room) called me a leatherpants-wearing tease for not showing details.
The current story's currently in progress, but writing continues.
Here's a question for all of you fic writers and/or readers. Are there (decent) authors out there who've posted a novel-length fic over the space of more than a year?
Also, is there anyone else out there who reads fic in any anime fandoms?
You mean, it's taken a year for the whole thing to be posted?
Are there (decent) authors out there who've posted a novel-length fic over the space of more than a year?
Yeah. Carrie, "Take Your Time", took two years, as I recall.
You mean, it's taken a year for the whole thing to be posted?
Yes. This describes a fic-in-progress. I've been working on it when I can, which isn't often, I'm afraid.
That'll be interesting. I wonder whose rooms will get redone, and by whom. Or, will certain decorators, carpenters, etc. find themselves far, far from home?
Read the first chapter of the sequel to Lust over Pendle. arrgggh ....
Are there (decent) authors out there who've posted a novel-length fic over the space of more than a year?
Um. That would be me. If a story-series counts. "Life During Wartime" totals over 500K by now, I think, and started in fall of 1999. Marasmus & I posted a 250K chunk this week, and there are three more stories in the works.
Although the feedback's been thin enough I wonder if anyone is going to be around to read the finale.
t shrugs
I'm not sure how long Career Change has taken. It's going to go into next year, I know.
edit: If it even counts. I see it as one over-arcing story with episodes