Perhaps LL-B and DV shop at the same places?
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Feldman's writing a Farscape/Changing Rooms crossover.
I t heart feldman.
Um, no. Does it have a pattern of large pink roses?
Let's just say he's got... interesting taste, and leave it at that.
I suspect he'd adore a cabbage rose suit., I signed up for Slash the Slashers. Um. God alone knows why.
Oh, Fay....
Guess what I spent last night doing?
You're in England, honey, my psychic powers don't extend that far.
You're stronger than you think you are, connie. In fact, you're a danger to yourself and others, who may wish to avoid the Buffybaby ficwriting.
Pictures, Plei! We must have the silly pictures!
'Twasn't silly. It was just one of my head shots I took after I cut my hair.
You're stronger than you think you are, connie. In fact, you're a danger to yourself and others, who may wish to avoid the Buffybaby ficwriting.
Ah, my plans of evil fic domination proceed apace. What are your thoughts on Xander/Spike and Wes/Gunn?
What are your thoughts on Xander/Spike and Wes/Gunn?
I'm very fond of reading S/X and Ws/Gn. What are your thoughts on Spike/Giles?
(Two can play the evil domination game.)
(Two can play the evil domination game.)
And Spike and Giles are certainly two who would.
I'm fine with the pairing. Were you aware that I've got a series where I've turned Giles into a vamp and he and Spike are, um, together?
I am vaugely aware that you've written vamp!Giles, yes. Link? I suspect I should read the thing in full, and then do my best to avoid 'borrowing' bits for my stuff. If they're evil, that should help.