POTC 2 had some set pieces that went on too long and a complete time-waster of a "crazy natives" subplot, but I liked the meat of the movie.
This and the hamster ball of death just left me tepid.
I'm really only interested in seeing how the dog!king has been getting on since we last saw him.
And Chow Yun Fat, of course.
This and the hamster ball of death just left me tepid.
I thought it was amusing, but then they just began defying physics and falling thousand of feet without being harmed, and it became annoying. There's only so much suspension of disbelief one can offer to a movie about pirates and ghosts and sea monsters, after all.
And the gravity immune water wheel of death scene seriously made my backside sore. ForEVer and EVer and EVer oy vey.
JZ, you wanna go see POTC3 with me? We can squee in the losers corner together.
OOH OOOH. I want to be in the loser's corner too! That actually came up this weekend, since Pete started talking about POTC3, and I said I should start making plans for a movie outing.
I should start making plans for a movie outing.
It'll definitely be playing at the Metreon, but this weekend is bad for me. Next weekend, maybe? (And Saturday nights are bad for me. Because I suck.)
I thought the sword fight in the mill wheel was one of the most beautifully choreographed ever.
It ended up feeling to me like an exercise in choreography, and not an important part of the film.
It made it worse that it came so late in the film. As if the parkour sequence in James Bond were at the end-- two hours in you're thinking come on, get to the big finish!
The set pieces in Potc3 all gave me the impression that they were staged with the new ride in mind. Yawn.