Let me state for the record that I love the characters of PoTC.
I especially the non-leads like Bill Nighy, the bumbling pirates and the snobby EIC dude who is so fun to hate. And Norrington...okay, the list goes on.
eta: What Jessica said! The set pieces in 2 felt exactly like that to me. I remember leaning over during the water wheel deal and saying,"Coming to a Universal Studios ride any day now."
Did we know about the Golden compass teaser?
It's taking forever to load for me. Why can't all trailers go immediately to Apple's trailer page, which never gives me any troubles?
For all you
Death Proof
fans who might have thought about renting
Dirty Mary Crazy Larry
: I have done it for you. The car chase parts are numerous and very entertaining and Crazy Larry is pretty cool but Dirty Mary is one of those skanky dishwater blond types whose idea of showing emotion includes a lot of screeching. The word "harpy" comes to mind. It's worth renting if you love car chases more than you hate whiny bitches.
OK, I've been hoping to see Jude Law as Ozymandias every since
Sky Captain
but if this Dr. Manhattan casting rumor is true I think I might cry. Watchmen Casting News
I echo P-C's statement, with an additional Please God No.
Maybe Dr Manhattan won't be in it much. Or speak. At all. At least if it follows the plot of the comic we'll get to see Keanu painfully disintegrated. I somehow feel this is all my fault because I've been checking AICN every day since the 300 trailer debuted asking, "how about some casting news for Watchmen?" I feel like the universe said, "You want some God Damn casting news? HERE!"
Sure, I feel your pain, but I must ask this question: will he be naked?
Pretty much constantly. And blue.
ETA Dr Manhattan