on Kirk and Spock's early days at a space academy. "J.J. wants Damon as Capt. Kirk," my source reports. "He really loves the idea."
Ummmm, (1) isn't Matt Damon already older than William Shatner was when the series started? (2) isn't Matt Damon a little bit old to be at any West Point like academy? I mean, he's 35+, right?
Captain Kirk never struck me as the sort for post-doc work, if you know what I mean.
I am a HUGE fan of strong supporting characters--it adds depth and life and makes it feel as if the film takes place in an actual world. I love the Farmer's Wife Hec mentioned, and many, many tiny-but-vibrant characters in Altman films. The screenwriter has to know juist how much time to give these characters so they don't derail the forward momentum of the story, but well done they become indelible.
I am a HUGE fan of strong supporting characters--it adds depth and life and makes it feel as if the film takes place in an actual world. I love the Farmer's Wife Hec mentioned, and many, many tiny-but-vibrant characters in Altman films. The screenwriter has to know juist how much time to give these characters so they don't derail the forward momentum of the story, but well done they become indelible.
Even just one key scene can really ground a movie and add layers to it.
Mickey Rourke in
Body Heat.
Forest Whitaker in
The Color of Money.
Michelle Meyrink's little bits in
Real Genius.
Jennifer Jason Leigh (who I didn't even recognize when I saw it) in
The Big Picture.
(Side note: Don't you think it's funny that the movie that Kevin Bacon's character finally gets to make after beating the studio looks like such a tedious little domestic drama? I think it's intentional. That the subtext of the movie is that the fucked up genius of the studio system actually makes more interesting movies than directors who want "true stories" about "real people." I kept thinking that during the first
Project: Greenlight
Does that mean Ben Affleck will be Spock?
No. Checkov. So he can say really redundant and inconsequential things.
I'm not going to be a happy camper when Jay and Silent Pike show up, am I?
(bleakest movie EVER. Okay, maybe in a tie with the Dutch version of The Vanishing.)
Wow, I've got that boxed set, and always heard that The 7th Victim is bleak, but that's a BOLD statement. The Vanishing has the must shudder-inducing final shot I've ever seen, and, if you happened to just click on that one scene, you'd never understand why. I also love how the only violence in the movie is when the protagonist punches the villain.
Jennifer Jason Leigh (who I didn't even recognize when I saw it) in The Big Picture.
God, I LOVED her in that, and so much the antithesis of the perenial victim/misery goat she seems to love specialzing in (eXistenZ was another one, but she wasn't nearly as fun). And I LOVE her zany short at the beginning.
Of course, she looked and acted almost EXACTLY like a good friend of mine in college who was a perky-goth film major (down to the nervous energy and the hair). I was in a couple of her films even (in one playing a sadistic game show host, and in another dressed in a monsigner's outfit, even though religion wasn't any part of the story - one scene in that I'm drinking a beer in a snow-filled Harvard Collesium).
I agree with you on your side note about the film Bacon's shooting at the end, by the way, but I'm not sure if that's what Guest intended.
I'm not going to be a happy camper when Jay and Silent Pike show up, am I?
No, but I'd get a kick out of it.
Well, maybe not if it's JJ doing it instead of KS.
isn't Matt Damon a little bit old to be at any West Point like academy?
I'm probably way wrong on this, but I never got the impression that Starfleet Acadamy was West Point-like, in that it was a military primary school. I always thought it was just the officer training school for Starfleet, and would thus have students of varying age.
Yeah, but I'm fairly sure (even ignoring the books) that it's canon that Kirk was pretty young at Starfleet Academy, with the whole "youngest person to ever beat the Kobayashi Maru test". That was in one of the movies, right?
Although if it really will be Kirk and Spock together at Starfleet Academy, canon has obviously taken a long walk off a short spacedock.