I was about to say, somethimes he just gives it for free.
I used to have a real problem giving things away, but something about moving into this place, trying to make space for others in this house, and reading a book that talks about decluttering (plus the aforementioned Clean House/Clean Sweep) has finally gotten into me. Then there is the $$ which I gotta say is a nice little boost to paying off some debt.
Yeah, whatever. Here is a Benji. ita, msbelle ... doff shirt!
Having not seen the surreal opening ceremonies. i am really looking forward to just how the closing ones will get.
By which I mean that I have a paypal Benji for either these foine ladies if they will post a shirtless pic. And don't bring me any of this shot-from-the-back noise, or any of this "You d'int say what-all about
Getting rid of stuff is a hard habit to start, but once you do get into it, it's very satisfying. A way to ease into it is to make a box of books you KNOW you won't read again, and take them to Goodwill or a school or a nursing home--someplace they will be read and enjoyed. As you get ready to give them away, write down their titles, giving yourself permission to go buy them again if you miss them. You won't.
The chance of me posting a shirtless picture anywhere on the internet is laughable. How that ever even became the subject is beyond me. Whatever indeed.
My tragedy of the evening is that I have run out of clear packing tape. No more boxing up of packagaes for me. sad.
If only there were books I was convinced I would never read again.
At least I'm freecycling some ancient computer stuff tomorrow.
Gus, you like to live on the edge, don'cha?
Who said anything about skirtless?
less was the challenge.
Zenkitty: The edge likes to live near me. It is edgy, in that way.
No shirt, no bra, no back. You can paypal me to my profile address.