Maybe once she sees that Gilda isn't being hurt, she will be more likely to let you pet her.
That's been my approach so far.
Oh, and maybe give them some Pounce or catnip afterwards for a reward.
That's a good idea. I used treats to get them to come out from under the bed when they were being hidey-cats.
She's now meowing while drinking her water. (She has to mutter in between sips.)
And they say cats are smart... (I say that while laughing trying to picture it...)
I think today has well and truly kicked my ass. I hurt in lots of places and I suspect it is time for bed. And catching up on the last couple Daily Shows and Colbert Reports.
You have to understand that Amarna only shuts up when she's either stalking the birds outside the window (by hiding behind the curtain) or when she's asleep. Otherwise, it's a constant "MRRROW!!" or at the very least, a whiny mutter. She is the only cat I know of that talks while drinking (not eating, though--she's too much of a chowhound to let her vocal cords get in the way of inhaling her food).
My kitty (Sunshine) is VERY meow-y since he has become a "teenager" and not a kitten. I only hope he does not meow all day while I am at work.
I only hope he does not meow all day while I am at work.
He probably sleeps.
My cat sleeps during the day, and gets up just before I get home from work. I can tell because he adheres to this schedule on my days off too.
My girls don't meow at all. They sort of chirp at each other while playing, but they are vocally very quiet. They do like to thunder around on the hardwood floors though.
I've read that cats that grow up in the wild never meow as adults. But for human-raised cats - the more they are talked to as kittens, the more they'll meow as adults. It's like they figure out us humans are vocal creatures or something.
Also, certain breeds are "chatty" which is a euphamism for "won't shut the fuck up." Siamese, Orientals, Cornish Rex, etc....
Mmm, yay, Pacos for dinner tonight! It was nummy.
ita, next time you want pizza, we've found a pretty good place near us. Is near us near you too?
I came home from work with eyes burning and the continued pains from the sinus infection. Took a nap just to get my eyes to stop burning. Now I'm feeling too lazy to make dinner. Dinner tonight? Slices of NY Extra Sharp Cheddar.
Neither of my Netflix discs are appealing to me so I'm watching my copy of "Blazing Saddles". Gawd, I love that film.
Hope everyone's having an exciting Friday night.
I'd be curious as to the actual content of this, Corwood. My gf is from Texas (Houston by way of Austin), and I think she'd like to show this to some of her relatives (who voted for these jerks).
Hey, Sean, I know I've cleaned out my inbox since the last round of this, but I'll check with my wife to see if she has one.