I'd be curious as to the actual content of this, Corwood. My gf is from Texas (Houston by way of Austin), and I think she'd like to show this to some of her relatives (who voted for these jerks).
Hey, Sean, I know I've cleaned out my inbox since the last round of this, but I'll check with my wife to see if she has one.
My tortie has always been vocal, and my little foundling mackarel tabby is a chirpy girl, too. She's got pretty big ears, so I've always wondered if she's got some Rex in her -- her body temp runs a little high, too.
In a rather extended period of lurking, I've never posted because I never had anything to say that I deemed to be up to the Buffistas standards... But then everyone was talking about pizza and pizza for Ita.
I recently discovered that one can now purchase California Pizza Kitchen pizzas to bake at home. While slightly more expensive than the other brands, it's damn tasty. Not much to look at, I'll give you that, but boy, (and girl, too) I think I'm salivating just thinking about the CPK Margharita Pizza.
As for cats I had a Burmese who yowled and howled and pretty much kept up his end of the conversation most of the time, so there's a breed stat. I also have a plain tabby who follows me around mewing incesantly. I think that I over-dosed her on cat nip and now she's always jonesin'.
I'm now rethinking my urge to post about pizza, being that a first impression lasts a lifetime and all that, but also, once I type out (and marginally organize) all my thoughts, I always feel that I ought to subject someone else to them as well.
Hello. I like pizza and cats.
but not together.
My cats like to sit on pizza and meow.
Hello, jubsews!
Howdy, jubsews!
Someone linked me to a permaculture household's website. It's really cool and I found out it's in Pasadena. I'll have to see if I can get a tour next time I'm down south to visit the parents.
I hope they're still a going concern. The website hasn't been updated in 2 years.
Hello, Erin.
Wow! We're like, totally BFF now.
Really though, you have no one to blame but yourself, extending a warm welcome like that to a newbie. Pft, what were you thinking? In the cold an daunting world of a new and shiny board, a newbie will always latch on to the first person who acknowledges them.
Seriously though, and this is in no way a statement about the Buffistas, just based on past experience, I didn't expect even a little "hello" for at least a few days, so thanks.
My cats like to sit on pizza and meow.
AIFG. Or a waste of a good pizza.
Hi, jubsews.
Seriously though, and this is in no way a statement about the Buffistas, just based on past experience, I didn't expect even a little "hello" for at least a few days, so thanks.
Hi jubsews. We're pretty friendly around here. Until you start talking about commas or cilantro or something equally controversial.
The irony is, I have a bunch of sauce earmarked for pizza at home. I just keep putting off making the dough. I should probably get over my pre-cooked food thing. Thanks, mother. Unless it's brought to me hot, I forget it is an option.
Burrell, near you is probably near me--do they deliver?
Not only does GA have a blog, it has a FAQ. In which Shondra explains something about the episode the week after the Superbowl:
Why did Dylan carry the bomb in his bare hands? Because now he's dead and I'm mad and I don't think that bomb squad guys would carry bombs in their bare hands and you are a stupid-head!!!
Bomb Squad Guys (BSGs as I've decided to call them - and many of them are, in fact, not guys but women) most certainly do carry bombs in their bare hands. We had numerous BSG specialist-type people working on this episode. They emphasized to us that in a true high pressure situation, the most important thing for safety is that they have maximum control. Which means not wearing helmets that could obscure their vision or big heavy glove things that could make them drop the bomb. Having as little between them and the bomb as possible means they have more control over the situation. They also said that all the helmets and gloves in the world would not have kept Dylan from becoming pink mist should that homemade, unstable device he was carrying decide to explode.
FYI, it was the BSGs who said that Dylan would carry the bomb from the OR into the hall where he would then place it into a container. Because picking the bomb up (ie, pulling it out of Mr. Carlson) and putting the bomb down are the two most dangerous moments of bomb removal.
See? Not that much of a stupid-head, am I?
Welcome, jubsews.
That makes a lot of sense. And it reminds me that there was something similar in a book I've read about
bomb-squad guys.
Do they still have frozen dough at the supermarket? I have a white pizza recipe I've been wanting to try, but am not confident in my bread-making abilities.