I like Felicity Huffman, and agree with her. How refreshing.
That was awesome. If it wasn't for that pesky William H. Macy, I'd so totally be lining up to marry her.
Signed, stopped posting at boards related to the female parenting experience because EVERYONE calling each other Mama as if they had no other identity creeped me the fuck out.
Also? You were sweet to me being difficult. Put that on your list.
Funny thing about media. I get the Christian Science Monitor. I love this daily a lot. One of their regular freelancers was kidnapped and is now held hostage. I always looked forward to her articles. This makes me abnormally irate and upset.
I declare that today I did NOT suck.
I declare that to be true every day, just for your FYI.
Signed, stopped posting at boards related to the female parenting experience because EVERYONE calling each other Mama as if they had no other identity creeped me the fuck out.
OK, ew.
Signed, stopped posting at boards related to the female parenting experience because EVERYONE calling each other Mama as if they had no other identity creeped me the fuck out.
Along those lines, the creepiest bit of the clip was the way Stahl says "Is that the best thing in life? Being a
And not only does she use the word "mommy" in a conversation between adults, but she cuts into this cutesy widdle-pookums babytalk voice to do so. So, yeah, go team Felicity.
Signed, stopped posting at boards related to the female parenting experience because EVERYONE calling each other Mama as if they had no other identity creeped me the fuck out.
Um, ew. That's just a tad bit creepy.
Huh. In the mail today I got an interest statement for taxes from a bank I'm pretty sure I've never banked with. What does that mean?
I just recalled I have clementines in my fridge. Gonna eat myself sick, I suspect.
Jesse, give them a call. That kind of freaks me out, in an identity-theft sort of way.
So creepy, Plei!
I burnt my tongue while making dinner. Stupid me.
But dinner rocked (pan seared chicken breast with shallot and mushroom sauce, and wilted spinach with shallots and goat cheese) and dishes are done. I can relax, except for the worrying about tomorrow.
Drunk Ryan Phillipe is not so cute.