I will now say noodle a lot and make cute concerned faces at my computer. carry on.
asking for help and talking about things should notbe embarrassing. I get that it may still be, but from where I am sitting, it doesn't look like the oh so many things that people do daily that they really SHOULD be embarrassed about (lady dancing in your seat on the subway I am looking at you).
Oooh, and they've closed the loophole I raised holy hell over. When I went for a semester abroad, I threw a shit fit over them trying to charge me room and board, since obviously, not! I won. Now, a semester abroad doesn't have r&b listed, but tuition is higher by the difference. Bastards.
My dealings with financial aid are why I don't give money to my college. I've told them so. I give it to my department (financial aid doesn't see a bit of that) but not the school. They were evilquakers.
It's embarassing when you aren't getting off your ass and doing something. So until then, done now. I hope.
ok, my previously posted lists are shifting a bit. I sent the 2 emails I needed to. I read some (obviously not enough to pull me away from here) and I called my aunt who is having a rough time right now.
So while I am ahead, I am going to take my book and go to bed. I declare that today I did NOT suck.
I like Felicity Huffman, and agree with her. How refreshing.
That was awesome. If it wasn't for that pesky William H. Macy, I'd so totally be lining up to marry her.
Signed, stopped posting at boards related to the female parenting experience because EVERYONE calling each other Mama as if they had no other identity creeped me the fuck out.
Also? You were sweet to me being difficult. Put that on your list.
Funny thing about media. I get the Christian Science Monitor. I love this daily a lot. One of their regular freelancers was kidnapped and is now held hostage. I always looked forward to her articles. This makes me abnormally irate and upset.
I declare that today I did NOT suck.
I declare that to be true every day, just for your FYI.
Signed, stopped posting at boards related to the female parenting experience because EVERYONE calling each other Mama as if they had no other identity creeped me the fuck out.
OK, ew.
Signed, stopped posting at boards related to the female parenting experience because EVERYONE calling each other Mama as if they had no other identity creeped me the fuck out.
Along those lines, the creepiest bit of the clip was the way Stahl says "Is that the best thing in life? Being a
And not only does she use the word "mommy" in a conversation between adults, but she cuts into this cutesy widdle-pookums babytalk voice to do so. So, yeah, go team Felicity.
Signed, stopped posting at boards related to the female parenting experience because EVERYONE calling each other Mama as if they had no other identity creeped me the fuck out.
Um, ew. That's just a tad bit creepy.
Huh. In the mail today I got an interest statement for taxes from a bank I'm pretty sure I've never banked with. What does that mean?