must be on drugs.
ION, Project Jay is so fun. Really, he's so talented and so funny I'll be crushed if it turns out he's not that guy. I read an interview where he said he wanted to do mass market, making like $25 t-shirts-- please, please Jay McCarroll, do a deal with Target. That would be AWESOME. There's no shame in it! You can still do a couture line!
Not really Galapagos
eta: Really not--it's Maine.
Lupe was totally high on something not natural.
Kalshane, I hope that works out for the not-bad for you.
My performance review had to be split into two meetings. It was...interesting. I asked her to be specific about stuff, and was surprised to see that I hadn't adequately demonstrated my technical knowledge. Apart from writing code for demos and working closely with the development teams to parse requirements? Well, I hadn't demonstrated it to management. Apart from showing them the demos I'd written?
Then the topic changed.
My review's in stone, but so are my objections to two major portion--I went on record for the first time.
The meetings went well, considering.
Aurelia! Ducks falling! I'm not sure why I find that so funny, but a cousin had a story (very sad to her) about a duckling from a school project that fell down a flight of stairs in their house to its death, and try as I may, I can't not laugh. It's just...I know, cruel person, but still. How does a wee duck fall down a flight of stairs anyway? And then the cousin's insistence that the ducklings had been switched at school because
duckling knew better...I actually fell off my chair when she told it to me, and couldn't sit upright for minutes.
Oh ita, I've had to do that before, I mean put my objections on record. It sucks. Left a bad taste in my mouth.
I'm cruel too. I couldn't help but laugh when I was told
about someone I knew who was being all cool, jumped off his bunk bed and accidently stomped his wee kitten.
I still don't know why I laughed. I was horrified, but at the same time--he was such a dork!
PR Reunion:
Daniel Franco got a little creepified there. "I love you, Heidi." I half expected her to walk over to him, take his shirt off and kiss him.
I might be watching too much TV.
Kalshane, I hope it's all happy good news. Yeppers, I do.
her duckling knew better
Hee. Of course it did.
I've had that window on a tab all evening and every time I look at it I start another giggle fit. It probably wouldn't be so funny if it weren't so wrong.
The alternate ending for the RENT movie is a thing of beauty. And costume designers should realize that tight sweaters just emphasize that Anthony Rapp is a skinny boy with a big giant head.
I found the name of the chocolate company up north: Oh Chocolate. The website's a) Flash b) under construction, but it does have the address of one of their stores. Which isn't Seattle proper--I have no idea how close or far it is, but everyone talks of it like Seattle. I wrote down the address of the other place but am way too tired to find it now. On the morrow.
Had more of their chocolate today, and that stuff's good. Not a cherry cordial to be found yet.