I found the name of the chocolate company up north: Oh Chocolate. The website's a) Flash b) under construction, but it does have the address of one of their stores. Which isn't Seattle proper--I have no idea how close or far it is, but everyone talks of it like Seattle. I wrote down the address of the other place but am way too tired to find it now. On the morrow.
Had more of their chocolate today, and that stuff's good. Not a cherry cordial to be found yet.
I was at my mom's over Thanksgiving when we saw a commercial for Rent on tv. I pointed out Anthony Rapp to her and reminded her that he's a Joliet native, and she remembered seeing him in the title role of The Little Prince on Broadway back when he was about 12 years old. Cool seeing him in movies and all grown up.
I will try to make it there, ita.
That was a bizarre reunion show. There was definitely some entertainment there, PR: The Musical cracked me up, but I was disappointed to see everything turn into the Santino Show. Again. I would have liked to hear more from the previously eliminated designers. I mean, did Emmett speak a word ever all night?
Also, I can't wait to walk into a store and buy a Jay McCarroll something or other. I really want that patchwork skirt he has up on his site. Though I have no idea where I could ever wear it.
Kalshane, I hope the meetings go well for you. What an unnverving position. Will you likely know more about the restructuring plans after?
And then the cousin's insistence that the ducklings had been switched at school because her duckling knew better...
No. Really? It's wrong but that is funny. I mean, obviously her duckling (wow, there are a lot of innappropriate ways to misspell that word) was swapped with one of them not-so-smart ducklings. Like the ones that followed mom over the graaaaaaaaaaate
t faint sploshing sound
and then disappeared.
Skipping-lots-and-poking-head to post that, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is Lysana's birthday. I hadn't seen her posting in forever, but I hope the well-wishes find their way to her somehow.
I see her a lot on Livejournal, anyway!
Me, I'm revelling in the accomplishment of getting the garbage out well in advance of the garbage trucks. You know it's bad when the garbagemen recognize you from week to week....
I think the duckling photos are so funny because of the last picture - the duck looking over its shoulder going, "Huh?" The whole thing could be a Far Side cartoon....
Where is the cop from
Make Way for Ducklings
when you really need him, I ask?
Republicans cut funding for Duckling Cops, as according to conservative ideology the ability of ducklings to survive should be determined by the marketplace.