Jesse, what's the subject of your thesis?
Well, it's not actually a traditional thesis, but that's easier to say. I'm doing a project for a client, a nonprofit social service agency, about client and program data collection and management. So I'm (trying to) survey other organizations about what they do, and look at some of the commercial products available, and the needs of the organization, and then I'll make some recommendations about what they should do.
Nothing should require brainpower before 9 at the earliest.
Especially on a Monday. My roommate just had to take an exam on 8:30 yesterday (Sunday is the Israeli Monday). That's just evil.
I want to get my Hebrew skills up to some level
Now I want to sit and chat with you in Hebrew.
Jesse, does it mean that your project/thesis will actually have some implementation, not just stay theoretical? Because that's great. Also, it reads like it demands a whole set of skills, so it looks like it would really put what you're learning into use, right? Go you.
Jesse, does it mean that your project/thesis will actually have some implementation, not just stay theoretical?
Yeah, that's the plan. Of course, the client can choose to ignore my recommendations, but still. My program is all about "theory and practice," so everything we do is very hands on. It's my favorite thing about the program, since really I'm a practicitioner, not an academic.
Happy Birthday jon!
More on GA:
I think that Mere's dad must be equally distant etc because otherwise -- wouldn't he have managed to see his daughter? He was in the same damn city!
everything we do is very hands on
I think I can get where you're coming from. Part of the reason I chose both topics, to my Masters' (traffic) and now (networks) is how they may have practical applications and not just remain in the halls of the academia.
I've been following your "Beep Me" posts and my fingers are very crossed for you and your DH, in health and work issues alike.
GA was a little to close to home with the lung cancer patient. He had stage 3b, while my MIL was just diagnosed with 3a, unoperable lung cancer. I'll make sure B doesn't watch it.
Jimmy-jam and I are having a lazy morning. He got me up at 6 to feed him, watch him use the litter box (he's weird) and then we went back to bed until 10. Now he's sitting watching me type. I think he misses his daddy. I know I do.
le morning.
HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!! BevDog! and Benno and Jon B. (hope I didn't miss anyone)