Would this [link] be a tacky bereavement gift?
A friend got me a subscription to Suicide Girls recently to cheer me up when another friend died. That's not for everyone though.
I think the bamboo is a lovely idea, and if you think she'd appreciate it, you probably know better than we do.
FWIW, I really appreciated things like that that lasted longer than a traditional floral arrangement.
Lookit my baby cousin! She's a star of today.
Woohoo on the baby cousin! And the photo credit made me do a doubletake until I realized that ITA meant International Tennis Association, and not ita.
Welcome to Chicago, shrift!
It's up to 16 degrees. My iBook's battery is down to 13%. Time to go home....
For something actually interesting - Chicago Tribune article on Monty Python: [link]
I'm about a week behind, so rude aunts aren't too much of a concern. Yeah Brenda, that's why I really want to avoid cut flowers. I also think the bamboo will fit into their home better. Okay, bamboo it is.
Definitely the bamboo, then.
Just sent the dog off to a week at my dad's. It's very quiet around here. But also feels kinda good.
Jesus fuck was it cold yesterday. Today is much more bearable.
Went to a very strange concert last night - a U2 tribute band. I've seen cover bands before but this was the whole shebang - dressed (and looking very much) like the actual band, the guy doing Bono swanning around like he was the real deal. Musically they were excellent, but especially at first, kind of watch from the hall. The guy playing the Edge was an old HS friend of my sister.
Crap. It just occurred to me that I should get a present for a friend whose birthday is today, as she gave me a present for mine. I have no ideas. Ugh.