Why pay for the cow when you can get the cow for free.
Because there is a strong social network built up around the exchange of the cow, and the cow is a long term investment.
Yes, I am writing an essay on the place of livestock in grain producing societies, why do you ask? Also, why am I even here when I should be writing it?
I think that would be a nice gift, aurelia. But sometimes it's hard to tell what will offend someone....
Bah. This cow's signal strength keeps going from strong down to zero and back.
A peace lily would probably be a safer (more predictable) choice.
aurelia, if you think your friend would appreciate it (and aren't afraid of the inevitable rude aunt), I say go with the bamboo. It's not like it comes with mylar balloons saying GOOD LUCK@!!!
Would this [link] be a tacky bereavement gift?
A friend got me a subscription to Suicide Girls recently to cheer me up when another friend died. That's not for everyone though.
I think the bamboo is a lovely idea, and if you think she'd appreciate it, you probably know better than we do.
FWIW, I really appreciated things like that that lasted longer than a traditional floral arrangement.
Lookit my baby cousin! She's a star of today.
Woohoo on the baby cousin! And the photo credit made me do a doubletake until I realized that ITA meant International Tennis Association, and not ita.
Welcome to Chicago, shrift!
It's up to 16 degrees. My iBook's battery is down to 13%. Time to go home....
For something actually interesting - Chicago Tribune article on Monty Python: [link]
I'm about a week behind, so rude aunts aren't too much of a concern. Yeah Brenda, that's why I really want to avoid cut flowers. I also think the bamboo will fit into their home better. Okay, bamboo it is.