From Aimee's link on anarchist lawyers:
In fact, your specific job will be the preparation of frivolous lawsuits for use against the nazis at the RIAA
OK, lawyers. Show of hands. How many others read that sentence and immediately thought, "Rule 11"?
Oh. valentine's day. I forgot too, and am wearing red trousers.
With black! Lots of black! Nothing heart-shaped!!
My valentine's day present to the world is a really big Dunkies coffee for me.
DH brought me home two dozen roses on Sunday. One dozen for each kid.
I'm wearing green and brown.
I have to remember to wish my friend happy birthday today.
It's one of the few birthdays outside my family that I do consistently remember.
Cash -- that is so sweet.
My friend T. loves Valentine's Day -- it's always been the most important holiday for her. She sent me (or . .. her family did) a lovely Valentine's Day package that arrived yesterday.
Yay Cash's DH. Sentiment, on any day, makes me smile. (or cry, in the case of Kodak commercials)
Hey, didja know there are inspirational quotes on Starbucks cups?
I didn't.
So, imagine my surprise as I'm slugging my of roughly 250 Starbucks cups I've ever held...musing about the 'commitment' I'm feeling toward Fella (which he's reciprocating...a lot)...
But because we are so new we are being all nose-bumpy awkward with terms like 'strong feelings' as opposed to 'love'. Then I notice writing on the cup.
Here is what it says:
"The irony of commitment is that it's deeply liberating--in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life." Anne Morris
Absolutely perfect.
Plus it is #76 in a series of at least that many quotes. What are the chances that I'd just happen to get the quote I most needed today?
I love it when the Universe speaks!
What is JesusPets?
Who is going to care for your pets after you are raptured into heaven?
Many Christians believe that animals do not go to heaven. So when Jesus comes back and you return with him to heaven, will there be somebody to take care of your dog or cat?
If you have a non-Christian family member, they might take care of your pet, but if not, have you made any plans? Imagine being taken to streets of gold while your dog starves to death walking around in his own feces trapped in your small house or apartment, subject to fire and earthquakes or even being eaten by heathens searching for any remaining morsel of food. Do you want that to happen?
With the imminent collapse of the global economy and rampant godlessness, even the community shelters will not have the resources to care for your poor, hungry animals. So you need to make preparations.
That’s what JesusPets is for. We are assembling a community of heathen pet-lovers to care for pets that are “left-behind.” We are coordinating with feed mills and kennels in preparation for your post-apocalyptic pet care needs.
eta: Wait a sec - the Rapture is not the same as the Apocalypse.
tommy-- that has to bwe a joke, right?
Also, it is the funniest thing I have ever seen. "heathen pet-lovers"!!!!
"heathen pet-lovers
Sign me up for that committee! I'll be the President for Un-Godly Afterlife.