I think I'll add some red ones into this bouquet Wednesday.
I remember reading that
Memoirs of a Geisha
was doing some subtle or different product placement. I don't remember what it was. This, OTOH, stands out as maybe too subtle. At least until the billboards go up.
I took a little nap when I got home. I may become a napper yet.
Now lunch for tomorrow is cooking in the oven and I'm catching up on some tv from last week. I think bed in another half an hour.
More cowbell, by the numbers: [link]
Steph, I'm with you on the
bit. However, I will say that
at 7 cm and 50% effaced, the pain was so bad, I tried to go home. I drug the baby monitoring machine, IV pole and BP machine halfway across the room before the nurse was able to convince me to stay. Then I got demerol and I was better.
My nitpick is,
why wasn't the freaking bomb box thingie right freaking there
How loud are guns when you're wearing those earmuff ear protection thingies?
ION, it sounds like I get to be a lab rat. Which means there's a 33% chance I'll get the placebo. But if I do, 6 months later they'll give me the real thing.
Depends on the cartridge. To me, .22s only sound about 1/3 what they do without ear protection, .45s about 1/2.
[link] For our Anarchinst lawyers out there.
Kinda wish I had gone to law school.
I've only fired a gun once in my life - my dad's .22 rifle. I was amazed at how little noise it made (kinda' a "pop"). I would guess that a .22 pistol would be a little louder (for the shooter) as the as the end of the barrel is closer to your head.
Inside or outside makes a noticeable difference too.
do they have a portmanteau preference? If they're going to be a serious celebrity couple, they need to settle on one.
Too bad Filliam H. Muffman is already taken...
Speaking of Comedy Central news parody shows, TDS was on fire tonight!! As Jon pointed out, the Cheney shooting was a gift from heaven for the writers--I didn't stop laughing until the commercial break.