is this pretty tattoed boy?
Nope - he and I are just friends right now (we're sort of in the same mental space, and actually like each other, so anything further would be detrimental). This is another boy - he's friends with one of my bartender friends.
And thanks, guys. It is to blush.
Bizzare facial hair = Teh Creepy.
With his three other snowboarders safely advancing to the final, Keene grabbed his own snowboard and took White by the arm during the break between the two qualifying runs
Fantastic. I saw Shaun's runs, too. Beautiful.
flea, perhaps it's an attempt at an upside-down mohawk?
What does it say above the Vice President's door?
Two men enter. One man leaves.
BF is going to Atlanta to cover some automotive event tomorrow, so I'll be hanging around with the dogs and watching TV on V-Day. We don't have an anniversary (due to the ENDLESS start-and-stop nature of the beginning of our relationship), so V-Day is our official "day," and I should be bummed, but I am kinda looking forward to lazing around in my jammies and watching various chick flicks I have Netflixed.
I made a big anti-Vday speech to the new Fella early on...sensing there might be some pressure to preform even though we are so new (and v.v. happy, by the by). When I finally exhaled from my screed about being a florist and seeing the dark, destructive underbelly of the corporate holiday, Fella paused and said,"Um. Okay. Heard all that. And I already made plans to take that night off."
Me: K. This'll be fun!
t /schizo
bon bon and bob bob had their first date on V-Day. I was all no! Delay! Delay! Stress!
Which goes to show, I know little.
An ex told me he loved me on Valentine's Day once. I also remember my chiro being pointedly sweet. Other than that, nothing. I don't have an anti-V screed. Just an "Oh, that's how the other half live."
our official "day,"
I keep trying to tell DH that it is nice haveing an official day to celebrate, but it is more important that we appreciate each other when we are together , than worring about a day. He is away this year for V-day, and our anniversary didn't get much attention, but I figure that just makes our eventual chosen time of celbration better.
This year I got chocolate, so I'm good with Valentine's day.