Have you all SEEN juliana? I mean, duh.
Bizarre Facial Hair Alert: a man in the public space has shaved all the hair that grows on the sides of his face, but the hair sprouting from the underside of his jaw and his throat is unshaven. Like, if you drew a line right along his jawline, there's no hair above and a proper beard (not just stubble) below. Ew.
Bizarre Facial Hair Alert
Is there a Robert Bork cult out there that I was blissfully unaware of before now?
It's not even an Amish, which is what I think Bork has. It's sub-Amish. There's nothing on the point of his chin.
Here's Bork. [link] Since he HAS no jawline, it's hard to say where the beard falls on the jawline.
Guns don't shoot people. Dick Cheney shoots people.
In an unrelated note, this is just sweet. U.S. champuon snowboarder Shaun White
screwed up his first of two qualifying runs.
With his three other snowboarders safely advancing to the final, Keene grabbed his own snowboard and took White by the arm during the break between the two qualifying runs, sensing exactly what a teenager under stress needed. With White in tow, Keene marched to a chairlift, and the two went on a 45-minute joy ride, snowboarding over the back hills of the resort area of Bardonecchia for the sheer fun of it, well out of view of the swarms of reporters and fidgety competitors.
Now *that* is what it's supposed to be all about.
He did just fine on the second run.
Bork has more actual chin hair than I remembered.
Also, I've now used up my quota of Bork-visualization for the rest of the century.
It's not even an Amish, which is what I think Bork has. It's sub-Amish. There's nothing on the point of his chin.
Oh, I've seen that. Really squicky for some reason.
I have to go to a production meeting for my next big show. This is going to be the schedule meeting where we all fight for the time that we need in the theatre. I just don't feel like doing it today.
Bleh, gonna be a boring afternoon.