My boom story is...a little over a week ago, I heard a loud boom while I was sittign on my couch, and come to find out later it was someone holding up the 7-11 below me with a shotgun, and shooting the clerk.
one day when I was a teen, my mother and I were washing dishes and ball lightning appeared in the kitchen right over our heads. It made little crackle-boom sound, dashed a few feet leaving a lightning trail, and disappeared.
Wow. I've seen St. Elmo's fire, but never ball lightning. I'm envious.
So, if my assignment says "no more than 500 words," my 286 words will be OK, right?
If it covers the material, Jesse, you should be set.
The rest of the description of what he wants looks to me like it should be about three sentences, so I feel pretty good I've said as much as I have.
I turned on the tv when I got home -- it was the end of a Chocolate Challenge. The winner was from Chicago - - I think that we should find the place where he works. . . .now I've got the last hour of that PBS chef contest on.
Also, I went to the library to pick up one book and came back with many.
Be vewwy, vewwy quiet. We're hunting wepublicans...
Cheney Accidentally Shoots Fellow Hunter
My balcony at 7 this morning. It faces pretty much due east. The places across from me didn't have nearly the piles.
Was he hunting quail? Or Quayle?
Cheney Accidentally Shoots Fellow Hunter
I suppose this is some reason to be glad he got those 5 differments during the Vietnam War -- the casualty numbers were high enough as it was without Dead-Eye Dick taking out his fellow GIs.