I wish you all the warmth and good travel in the world, and perhaps a small adventure of the non-stressful sort, but on your way home so you're not late.
Tom, I was just coming to post what ita did (and better than I could phrase, too).
I love the "from my window" pictures. Even ita's, because that's around how my window looked like when there was still enough light to see anything through it.
Nice view, ita.
I wish I'd had time for oatmeal. Off to work.
Aw, I'm sad Michelle Kwon dropped out. This was pretty much her last chance.
Loving the out the window pictures. Too lazy to get a picture myself. No snow here, but very windy and cold. Little white caps on the lake.
Yeah, one thing about firefighters/paramedics (my best friend is one) is that anything job-related that interferes with socializing really IS more important than whatever you were going to do. Thus, no satisfaction of guilting them about flaking out on you.
Yeah. Luckily, I don't think I"ll end up dating her, so...shouldn't be a problem in the future. :)
I got up with my alarm, in order to go meet a friend for brunch, but luckily I checked my email first, cause she cancelled. BOO! I was all looking forward to Eggspectation! Grr. My tummy wants some brunch! But it's a little far to go just to eat by myself.
Allyson, dark chocolate is ALWAYS the way to go. White chocolate is EVIL.
My BOOM story
My boom story is...a little over a week ago, I heard a loud boom while I was sittign on my couch, and come to find out later it was someone holding up the 7-11 below me with a shotgun, and shooting the clerk.
ita is being mean with her warm california window-view! I'd post mine but it's fairly boring--a couple inches of snow, and the sidewalk in the courtyard has already been shoveled.
I'm surprised there's so much snow in NYC!!! Wow! We really didn't get that much here.
Since Michelle Kwan dropped out, does the girl who ACTUALLY came in third get to compete?
If she can make it from New York in time for the competition.
Ooh, yeah, I just read an article--if she doesn't make it to Turin cause of the blizzard, I'll bet she will be SUPER pissed. Cause that's a sucky reason.
Nilly! Hi! I jumped in at the end of Natter last night--normally I can't keep up (since I don't read b.org during the daytime)!
I jumped in at the end of Natter last night
That's what I did this morning. Because I can't keep up, no matter what. This will probably be what I'll end up doing tomorrow morning, as well, since I have to run out soon (a blind date).
How are you doing? It feels like I hadn't posted with you in forever!
Timelies all!
It has stopped snowing here, but there is a bit of it on the ground. We're supposed to go to a concert this afternoon, but I guess we'll need to check that it's still on.