She also has photos she took in the book that Steve Sqyres wrote.
Nifty! I have an advance uncorrected proof of that book that my mom passed on, and which I pounced on in hopes of Lori-y goodness.
And now, looking at the proof, it's text only, no photos. Phooey. Still, very cool.
t /Left Coast praise
It is a good thing he is too drunk to notice that I am posting while he bloviates.
And yet, Gus's coolness remains radiant and magnificent. Anyone who can get so Scotched up he needs to Google the word "father" but can still toss off "bloviates" with such panache is a credit to our entire sorry planet.
ita, many congratulations to yourself, your strength and your determination and your BROWN-BELTED ass.
ha - I almost forgot, it is very important that we were all wondering how you were doing at your brownbelt test, ita. You were a topic of conversation at Sparky's.
Perkins I think we're SOL.
I am afraid you are right. I still want to know what happened between series though.
Having heard Kravback Mountain jokes today, I do agree.
If it gets that fellow krav-er of yours from the Lost party to start macking on guys, it'll be worth any amount of groan-worthy puns.
{{quester and family}}
ita, go with the belty goodness! Whoo and hoo!
I want filtering software to eliminate the obnoxious screaming of useless females.
I want filtering software to eliminate crappy writers who use the cliché of female hostage-bait.
Whoops. Double-post. So I'll just edit it to slut the nubmer.
SAG Spoiler request:
Does Brokeback win anything? If not, Ima go to bed.
Hey! Quick post, since I am up past my bedtime (but I had three Vodka tonics!)
1st -- ita! Yeah you! Go on qith yer bad self! Good on you! and I referenced you tonight on my date!
And 2nd-- I survived my date! He was intimidated by how smart and funny I was! I stayed out 1 1/2 hours past my 10 done-date time, and I gave him my number. He said something about "the next time we went out."
I had fun. Dating easier than I remembered.