Did you know 9 out of 10 graduate education department faculty members are completely bonkers?
Well. yeah. I did know that. And, as a matter of fact, it was motivating factor in dropping out of the GSE. But, you know.
Lori is swamped with work and I'm off this month and next. So I'm feeling AWESOME.
Right now, am freezing.
OMG! So much fun! How does one get on this show? Just random dumb luck? How much can you win? Are the questions closer to Jeopardy or Supermarket Sweep?
You know, I didn't mind the bonkers as a student, because then it was quaint and quirky and I only had to see them for 3 hours a week or so. But working in close quarters with the crazy is not so quaintly quirky.
ION, we love vacation. I forgot you were at a year round school, since they don't do that so much in NYC. What are you planning to do with yourself?
working in close quarters with the crazy is not so quaintly quirky.
Right? People are weird and crazy = not so much fun.
What am I doing with my time off? I'm still in grad school at MSM myself so I'm doing that. and I'm facilitating, instructing or quasi with 2 courses at UCLA . So that's the usual. We went on a cruise to the Bahamas at the beginning of the month. And we're gearing up to go to Ireland, even though it will be hellishly cold and dark and rainy. I'm still looking forward to it.
Hee. I typed this and then didn't post because I didn't have anything else to say.
aw, aurelia, it makes a pretty excelletn standalone post.
I'll keep that in mind. It could be the new monkey.
1. Ed Burns, Vietnam vet, and former Homicide detective, was the teacher(After that, a lot of guys sell water softeners, you know? Burns taught middle school in West Baltimore...there is a man doesn't like to coast. But I bet he never thought "TV writer" was gonna be on that list. That's why he's a hero.) The first sentence Simon ever said to him upon looking at his weighty library books was "Tell the truth, you're not really a cop, are you?"
2. Yeah, I know about D.C. Noir and I also know Corwood does not resemble Prop Joe, except for the occasional urge I get to bring someone flowers after we talk.(Y'all that got that know I could have gone in a very crude direction with that paraphrase!)
3. Buffistas should all be "Wire" fans because it is arc-tastic and has 87000 details to quibble over. And funny dialogue. And all that "Lie to Me" moral ambiguous thing. And lots of skin. And social conscience.
4.Kat P. sounds like your friend's experience will be well-represented. Simon likes carrots, and stories that are sad and encouraging together, and last year I told him what HSQ was. Very proud moment(for me...he wouldn't remember it.)
5. I hope we do meet, Gus.
No, idjit, ME.
I can't fight, I can't have a proper full nelson put on, I can't be thrown, and I need to wear headgear for any stick defenses. I'm sad about the first, appalled by the dorkiness fo the last, and pretty much A-OK with the middle two.
But the important thing, pass or fail--I get to try.
Take that, PT!