Go, Team Naked Mom!
If I hadn't just changed my tag, I'd so use this.
I mean the joke wrote itself, but...
Oh my dog, yes! I laughed so hard at that. When they showed it again as the moment of zen, I repeated what Jon said in my head and laughed even harder.
I already said this over in the music thread, but I'm so sorry Jon. I know what it's like (because I lost my father) and I don't (because it's different for everyone).
I have faced many of modern times' crises naked and wet.
And yet, it's no fun at all.
I was in the shower for 9/11, the OKC bombing, and at least one other, though I was in school for the Challenger, and my parents told me about John Lennon(still makes Mom sad, but so does RFK)
Yahoo Mail is not working. Bah.
Now at work. Blessed cafe downstairs still had decaf hazelnut, so things are looking up.
I am sorry for your loss, Jon.
Yahoo mail is working for me.
We caught 9/11 live on tv (saw the second plane hit live), by sheer coincidence - mr. flea was home from work in a deeply foul mood and I turned on the TV to get away from him/cheer him up. Normally we never watch morning TV. It certainly made mr. flea's job snit seem like small potatoes.
Oh, the OKC bombing. I was in LA, being in-house counsel defending depositions in the discovery from hell. (Opposing lead counsel, who was a disbarred attorney acting pro se, loved playing mind games. And that was on his more cooperative days.) The Feds were staying at the Century Plaza because it was a nice hotel, accepted the government rate, and was across the street from where the depositions were being held.
I got to breakfast first. When the Justice Department attorney got there, her first words were, "Have you heard? They've bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City!"
Made for a very weird day. Not least because opposing counsel would come in after every break with "news" about the supposed bombing of another federal building.
We eventually won the lawsuit, BTW.
Thanks for the condolences all. FAQWife has been great through it all (Best. FAQWIFE. Ever.).
Oh, Jon. I just read...condolences.
(snicker) FAQWIFE, ha.