Oh, the OKC bombing. I was in LA, being in-house counsel defending depositions in the discovery from hell. (Opposing lead counsel, who was a disbarred attorney acting pro se, loved playing mind games. And that was on his more cooperative days.) The Feds were staying at the Century Plaza because it was a nice hotel, accepted the government rate, and was across the street from where the depositions were being held.
I got to breakfast first. When the Justice Department attorney got there, her first words were, "Have you heard? They've bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City!"
Made for a very weird day. Not least because opposing counsel would come in after every break with "news" about the supposed bombing of another federal building.
We eventually won the lawsuit, BTW.
Thanks for the condolences all. FAQWife has been great through it all (Best. FAQWIFE. Ever.).
Oh, Jon. I just read...condolences.
(snicker) FAQWIFE, ha.
Oh, Jon, I'm so very sorry. A safe journey to you, and peace and strength to all your family.
eta: And I'd just started to say something about FAQ Wife and then deleted it because I thought maybe it was too personal, but with what you just posted I'll put it back in:
I'm so glad you have her kind and comforting presence there with you through this. I'd been just thinking about her coolness and serenity and the story of you meeting and the tiny tiny book, and thinking what a great and amazing good she is in your life.
Jon - heartfelt condolences to you and your family on your loss.
I'm sorry, Jon. Strength to you and your family. I'm so glad you have FAQWife.
I just watched Finding Neverland. How can a movie make me so weepy and at the same time be so utterly charming?
OMG, right? I was smiling and crying through much of it.
Good news on the TV front -- yesterday's Ellen got mostly pre-empted by the president's press conference, but they're re-running it now! Sweet.
I sleep better at night knowing the government is protecting us all from paper-wielding vegans.
I sleep better at night knowhing the government is protecting us all from paper-wielding vegans.
Well, paper cuts and lemons are a painful combination...
I am looking at last minute vacation sites for sunny destinations. Anyone want to come?