The main reason for not inquiring is fear of the latter. (Or at least it would be for me.)
Same here. If I thought it were important -- well, I've had a ton of opportunities.
I grossed out my instructor group with my missing knuckles. For reasons that are probably not worthy of mention, I kept punching during that cardio boxing class after the skin started to tear. To my defense, I started punching lighter. But the bag's not supposed to wrap like that, to mess up my lower knuckles. And the surface was nasty plastic. I didn't expect this much damage. Indefensibly I punched a few targets while teaching the day after--only diving for bandaids when I realised I was mucking them up.
The bandaids were just no good, so I tried some Activ Flex which worked great except I couldn't get it to stay on the knuckles for more than 24 hours. But they're in much better condition know. Ungrabbable, but it's a start.
I'd say I hope there's not much punching in the test, but, hey, krav. I will bandage beforehand and wear the large gloves.
Timelies all!
I was in my Mammalian Physiology class when Challenger happened. I remember the teacher listening to the launch on his radio.
9/11 I was at work.(and then was sent home since we're a Federal site)
I was on my honeymoon on 9/11. After spending the first half of my honeymoon in the hospital with invasive salmonella.
When geeks interior-decorate.
Apparently the Brokeback Boys appear on Oprah tomorrow. And today she apologised for defending James Frey.
Apparently the Brokeback Boys appear on Oprah tomorrow.
EEEEP! Please tape! PLEASE!
Oh, Jess. I remember that! You were stuck, ad freaking out. London? Paris?
Yep, Paris. We'd been on a day trip to Versailles -- we heard about the attack on the train on the way home. When we got back to the hotel, all the international phone lines were jammed for hours (and the hotel's free computer, understandably, had a European keyboard which was a PITA to type on when we went to post/email people).
EEEEP! Please tape! PLEASE!
I am programming my TiVo right now.
Vote in the Great British Design Quest. Man, that Doc Marten is pretty.
still at work. still with two things on my to-do list that I need to get done tonight. not pleased.
OTOH - I did kick some ass and take some names today, so there's that.
Apparently the Brokeback Boys appear on Oprah tomorrow.
Also, I expect this means needing to lay in a fresh store of Kleenex. I couldn't even sit through the Top Gun parody trailer without crying, on account of that damn music.
And today she apologised for defending James Frey.
Good for her (finally). I can't wait to see what whiny/braggadocious bloviation he blurps out next after this fresh betrayal.
I invented this genre! Dave Eggers can suck my crack-kicking cock! I'm so truthy! Why's Oprah gotta be all facty?