Oh, yeah, Tep. Stab 'em, stab 'em a lot. Being a HEPA-filtered hospital, we have fewer of the aggressively scented than many other places, but the few who slip through stand out all the more. Happily, San Francisco doesn't have that many of the professionally tan. The zone-clueless*, though? Just asking for stabbage.
*Obviously, in a big multicultural city, allowances must be made for cultural differences, and if you're an elderly Chinese woman carrying a bag of groceries you are stabbing-exempt. White, obviously American, and self-important? Oh so stabbed.
Don't tell Pat Robertson.
if you're an elderly Chinese woman carrying a bag of groceries you are stabbing-exempt.
but it is quite possible she will get you with her elbows.
I'm sure someone out there somewhere takes it as a sign that only the Dewey Decimal System is the true inspired word. Or, the true inspired three-digit-plus-decimals number, anyway.
It's a wonder you even have a fan club....
If they're not the sort of fan club that sticks around through an injury, I don't want them.
Tommyrot knows what I'm talkin about.
You guys are quantity over quality people, aren't you? Well, you can have them. I don't need them.
Sadly, in Dewey Decimal the bible is not under 666, but rather, um, 220. The 660s are chemical engineering - I guess you find directions for brimstone manufacture there.
Oops, sorry, 660 is chemical engineering. 666 is "ceramic and allied technology." Not so exciting. Now, 662 is "explosives, fuels technology." That's what I'm talkin' about.