Wow, I never knew churches were such magnets for the nauseated.
Sunday School is full of small puke-spewing deviceschildren. I don't recall cleaning up after any nauseated adults, but then again they usually know to make a beeline for the restroom.
Jane Espenson sounds the death knell of Jake in progress.
Jane Espenson sounds the death knell of Jake in progress.
Stamos at least, is in talks for a regular role on ER. Which would be good--he was fun in his appearance. And
Neela needs a man
right now.
JZ knows about ambergis for the same reason I do!
Me too. Yay Encyclopedia Brown!
Glad you're doing at least somewhat better, Dana.
Some random guy came onto a male krav instructor when we were out Friday. "My balls are the size of grapefruits." Seems to correlate with the above finding. WHO SAYS THAT AND GETS LAID???
I'm hoping no one?
I'm hoping no one?
Well, not that night as far as I could tell. I was hoping he'd go crude on one of the less laid back instructors, but it didn't happen while I was there at least.
Shrift, the random facts site is down right now, but I have the code ganked if you get possessed.
I will say, that guy is the only person I would give dispensation for taking up multiple seats on the train. Assuming he's telling the literal truth.
Funny thing: Ellen Degeneres calling the CEO of Quiznos on the air, and every single person who answers the phone says, "Really? THE Ellen Degeneres??" The receptionist, the secretary, AND the CEO. Har.
yay encyclopedia Brown!
that's all I have to say to that.
Shrift, the random facts site is down right now, but I have the code ganked if you get possessed.
Heh. Cool. I'll probably get distracted by porn, though.
Yay Encyclopedia Brown!
I've introduced Emmett to Encyclopedia Brown. His grandmother gave him a $100 gift certificate to Cody's Books and it is his intent to buy the entire run of Encyclopedia Brown with it.
In the original script for
Pulp Fiction
there's a riff on "the tough girl in Encyclopedia Brown" between Uma and Travolta's characters.