Here's hoping for more tv worth watching...
I have a creepy headache as it seems to have brought an emotional funk with it. Or maybe I am just upset because the skunk smell still hasn't gone away.
Though Nigel Bennett quoting Lewis Carroll's "The Walrus and the Carpenter" with great affect? Amusing.
(Time passed, the show went on and as I obviously forgot to post so I might as well continue.)
Oh! And Jabberwocky! The first time I saw this episode, Curiouser and Curiouser, there might have been squeeing. And I didn't even know how to define squee when this first aired.
Cass, what is this about the skunks? Do you have some living around your area? Under your porch?
I sure understand about strong smells bringing on headaches. Happens to me all the time!
I sure understand about strong smells bringing on headaches. Happens to me all the time!
This is why I can't go into shops like Lush and The Body Shop. Walking through department stores can be a logistical nightmare too. Please to not spray your perfume all up in my face, lady.
This is why I can't go into shops like Lush and The Body Shop.
I have the same problem with the Yankee Candle store. I have to hold my breath while walking past them in the mall. Just thinking about being in that store makes me ill. I don't have the same problem with other candle stores, though.
FWIW, since my yoga class often has incense burning, I squirt my nostrils with saline salt solution before and after class a couple times. Makes me look like I have OCD, but I don't care, and it really seems to help my sinuses cope by encouraging the scent molecules to move along.
I have very very stoopidheaded cats.
Oddly, I do fine in Lush, almost but not quite not as well in the Body shop, but smelly candles stores are right out.
Oh yeah, scented candles, blergh. In fact, pretty much anything designed to make a room smell of anything other than room, blergh. Especially those plug-in room deodoriser doodads.
Oy. Smells and headaches. There's a very narrow subset of Lush things I can own, and shopping there has to be very quick. Things that make rooms smell different, or people smell different, and then there's popcorn even slightly burnt.
It's a stupid existence.
Short Patrick Dempsey article: I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV. Kinda weird comment there at the end.
So, 24: I'm really enjoying the complete
hobbitiness of Sean Astin's bureaucrat.
I'm not sure I buy
him in a position of authority, but really enjoying his presence all the same. Since the attack at the airport was a diversion, any chance that we could have Samwise the Mole in there, and he helped CTU foil the terrorists to cement his position of trust
So, 5 hours in and
Jack hasn't tortured anyone yet
? What's up with that? I figured he might
be able to have a go at CTU!Mole-2006, but it looks like he's off the hook for the moment.