Whee! Finished up my status report and timesheet and got those mailed out. It's very strange being held to a 40 hour standard, and having to justify all the time that doesn't fall into a project. It's not like I'm either billable or responsible for drumming up my own work.
Ah, well.
ita, nobody should say "Whee!" at 6:00 am their time. I'm not sure I could manage it yet and it's 9 here.
I was at work early! It's a late January miracle!
That is odd, ita. I have to "account" for all 35 of my hours, but I am allowed to group as much as I need into one entry for "being there in case people want me, and oh yeah, maybe did some non-billable library stuff".
Perkins the cat just woke me up, and then did something really cute, so I couldn't be mad at him. Does that seem right to you?
You people are all crazy with productivity.
oh, don't worry, I'm here being all non-productive and slack jawed.
You're my kind of people, Nora. You too, amych.
I am planning 3 day weekend getaways for the next 6 months!
I have the day off! Whee! But my throat is also sore, boo.
Off to shower, then to vote.
Well, I'm not going to make it into the office until at least 11 because of yet another medical appointment. And I'm trying to work out if I should take Friday off in advance sick since that's when I'm having the nerve block from 11-1. It'll certainly make the timesheet stuff (40 hours? It should be 35 like Perkins, but what can you do?) easier.