I'm watching Miami Vice. Locke is in this one. Holtz was in the one before. Both have voices that'll have my head snap around before I process why.
Anyway, Gina sleeps with a guy against her desires in this one, to keep her cover. And then she weeps and asks Trudy to burn the dress she'd been wearing. I'm not wanting to imply that sleeping with guys for pragmatic reasons is fun, but it seems to be so often portrayed as terribly devastating for a woman, and never seems to come up (or just be part of getting too deep into cover) for the guys. Is that dramatic license, an extension of the whole fate worse than death thing?
Huh. Is that a very young Michael Madsen?
He looks better older.
I didn't realise that I thought of him as "that guy from Reservoir Dogs" until I went through the process of recognising him.
I love that movie.
I wonder if I own it...
never seen it. yeah, I know.
It's the only QT I like. Well, no
Jackie Brown
was good, but it doesn't get me psyched like RD. Mostly I find Tarantino's work way too smug.
The London whale died! I'm all sad. There's an irony here that better water quality in the Thames could be
leading to more aquatic mammal sightings. So a combination of pollution (noise) and less pollution (chemical) might have lead to its death. Poor woobie.
I've given up on cheap bras. Mostly because they don't make them in my size anything close to flattering. Currently, Lane Bryant has ONE style that is my friend. Even the fancy Nordstroms disappointed me. I should go to the bra ladies up the street (seriously, they've been written up in national papers) but I don't think I can deal with the critiques of blunt old russian ladies about my boobs. It's traumatic enough trying the shit on.
Got my hair cut and wandered about. Scored a necklace chain for all my freaking pendants I never wear for lack of a good chain. Saw some lovely, interesting and colorful sweaters but none in my size, so I got depressed. Wandered into galleries, pondered dropping $300 on some lovely art, but didn't. Missed my exit on the way home, which freaked me out, because I never do that. Had an existential crisis in the Target lot on account of that (how lame is that?!)
Braved the hell that is the shopping center that now contains a Trader Joes. Got some reading at B&N. Wandered over to TJ's. I'm sorry, I bought tamales there (they are good) but the place wigs me out. Bell chiming, vaguely-drunk-the-koolaid staff out of place with the local demographics... It's just too-TOO twee or something. I'll go back to stock up on cheap decent tamales, but.... It still is shittily laid out and whacko.
nice job getting a chain. I have a gold and a silver chain now that I really like (both were gifts) and I wear my pendants so much more now. You don't need to buy that art, you have the beautiful things to get framed.
I have to buy a chain per pendant--otherwise it's just too fidgety.
At this rate, it'll be the late showing of
Underworld: Evolution.
It's so not worth a late showing.
you have a lot of rules, but whatever works for you.
my legs hurt something awful.