Info on a bipedal goat. Unfortunatly, no photos, but there are diagrams of bone structure. [link]
West-Eberhard discusses another particularly instructive paper, some observations made by Slijper in the 1940's on a bipedal goat. This poor beast was born with missing forelimbs. Surprisingly, it lived for a year before it died in an accident (presumably unrelated to its deformities), and adapted in unexpected ways. It could hop around on its two hind legs, and developed additional peculiarities: enlarged hind limbs, a curved spine, and large neck.
Welcome to the Tact Factory!
I read this as TaRt Factory. Either I'm a) hungry or b) thinking slutty thoughts.
someone keep that on tap for a future thread title.
Heh. I'm trying to dredge up some tact right now. Dude, if you set your password contact email to be a distribution list, how is the lack of security of that list MY problem?
I kindly offered to scrap the decryption, but warned them of all the extra steps they'd have to do. And given a group of people would be using this account, what are the odds someone would change it and forget to tell anyone else? And who would they come crying to? Besides, this is the TEST environment. It is supposed to be identical to the ops one.
Arrrgh. Routine bloodwork revealed that my cholesterol levels are "high". Not very high, but definitely high enough that Lifestyles Must Be Changed. (Yes, I've seen the full lipid writeup, and yes, it's not the good cholesterol that's too high.)
My husband is a spectacular cook, and his cuisine is very much meat- and butter-based. He is not going to be happy.
Oh! And OH! When I suggested they just make their list secure, I get "management said no." Good lord. I work in a crazybin.
Well, I just got diagnosed with osteoarthritis in the lowest part of my spine, which explains why I've basically been unable to walk for two days. Nice to have a diagnosis, which enables the crazed googling for information.
Stupid body. Stupid aging. Stupid entropy.