Arrrgh. Routine bloodwork revealed that my cholesterol levels are "high". Not very high, but definitely high enough that Lifestyles Must Be Changed. (Yes, I've seen the full lipid writeup, and yes, it's not the good cholesterol that's too high.)
My husband is a spectacular cook, and his cuisine is very much meat- and butter-based. He is not going to be happy.
Oh! And OH! When I suggested they just make their list secure, I get "management said no." Good lord. I work in a crazybin.
Well, I just got diagnosed with osteoarthritis in the lowest part of my spine, which explains why I've basically been unable to walk for two days. Nice to have a diagnosis, which enables the crazed googling for information.
Stupid body. Stupid aging. Stupid entropy.
I find this incredibly funny as hell.
Ack, Dana. I imagine there's something to be done? Good luck.
Ain't nuthin as funny as a woman with root.
I *wish* I had some root and a husband.
Oh, Dana, I'm sorry. Chronic illnesses SUCK SUCK SUCK.
Ooof, Dana. What can they do for you? Meds?
Meds, stretching, exercise, paying a strange man to crack my back.
I expect it'll get much better than I feel right now, and I am honestly glad that there is a cause other than "yeah, backs are weird." But the fact that Vicodin doesn't make a dent in it is a little daunting.
Oh, Dana, suckage.
2006's revolution of ita's wardrobe has begun. I don't think I've often (if ever) bought as much clothes as I did over lunch. Certainly not alone. Focused on things like not solid black (except for the sleeveless sweater), pattern (the brocade shoes), fabric (the chiffony blouse) or fixings (the metallic or pearlescent buttons) and atypical-for-me necklines (cowl sweater). There were a couple belts I just couldn't bring myself to plunk the cash down for that fit with my new expansion, and that made me sad.
Also decided that I'm redeeming my entire rewards for Coach, and I may very well blow it all on a teeny bag.
Take that, headache gods.