I just listened to the message, and yes. I needed you as filter. Royally pissed still. More pissed, even.
I have drafted a letter to him in my head. I shall write it down and keep it safe.
It begins, "Dear Pus Stain,"
...however, you are free to change that.
I'll calm down and not object to what he did.
So his whole treating you like you're not an actual adult problem hasn't gone anywhere. Hmmph.
apparently I'll calm down
Okay. I'm revising the letter. It was much too polite, and I need to fully make him piss ice for the arrogance of that.
Perhaps you'll have his license to practice revoked, and he'll calm down and not object to it. I mean, he didn't mind doing it to you, right?
You know what? You don't need to spin it right now. He violated your privacy in a really horrible manner, it doesn't matter his the flavor of his intentions. You can worry about that later, should you want to. Until he can understand what he did was wrong, he ought to get no leeway in trying to fix anything.
So his whole treating you like you're not an actual adult problem hasn't gone anywhere.
I started to type more details of the message, and it's making my eyes cross. Short version, no not adult yet, it seems.
he ought to get no leeway in trying to fix anything
Oh, but he's not trying to fix anything. He's already done the right thing, and eventually I'll accept that.
Ah, well. I have a call in to the head instructor. I'll prep him for the neurologist call. I want to plant some seeds ahead of time.
He's trying to repair a relationship, or whatever.
edited to not sound dismissive.
He's trying to repair a relationship, whatever.
Except for the part where he wasn't acting as a friend, he was using his semi-medical status and information he got during treatment without your permission.
Except for the part where he wasn't acting as a friend
HE doesn't think that, hence
He's trying to repair a relationship, or whatever.
No, he's not. He's willing to wait until I get over it. He's not trying to do shit.