It varies. Some people reveal, others obscure, and some (rather like Cinderella in Into the Woods ) do neither, mailing from their local post office, but not signing their name.
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2005: the Year of the Penguin
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2005? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
I just received what promises to be a delightfully boozy fruit cake from Anne W!!!!!
This is not a secret at all, but it IS Santa so I felt this was the place to THANK HER THANK HER THANK HER.
So, do I a) open it at the office, b) open it christmas eve with my family, or c) keep the whole darn thing for myself?
Please note: the package is lovely (white paper, family o' snowpeople, big red bow) and I can smell the rum through the wrapping.
Right on! I just got the last thing I was waiting on for my Santee. If I had planned ahead, I would have brought the box of other stuff to work, and I could mail it out today.
Alas, I am a baaaaad planner. But I'll mail it out tomorrow. Or maybe after work, b/c I know the main post office is open until 9 or 10 p.m.
Are we supposed to reveal who we are as Secret Santas?
My package includes my identification because I personally like to know who my Seekrit Santa is. Knowing increases the happy for me because I can picture who I am squeeing about.
My package includes my identification because I personally like to know who my Seekrit Santa is.
I totally agree, and I did the same. At my work we have an exchange where noone gets to find out who their Secret Santa was and it's kinda wierd (though fun). Now I'm eyeing people over my desk, trying to figure out who gave me my lovely present.
Huh. I always keep my Santadom a secret. (Not like nobody's ever figured it out, but I don't put my name or address on the package.)
I'm the kind of person who forgets to identify regular packages, but I actually think I've revealed to most of my Santees. (Including this year's, whose gift went in the mail today. Whoopee!)
Mailed my seekrit santa gift today. I can't believe I got it done in time. And now I'm trying to remember if I included my name in the card. I think I did, but I'm not sure.
I just plain forgot my card. I finished wrapping and addressing my box, handed it off to DH to mail, went back in the bedroom and found the card. Feh.
So, do I a) open it at the office, b) open it christmas eve with my family, or c) keep the whole darn thing for myself?
C. B, if you're feeling particularly charitable. I'm glad it got there okay! (Booze content is dark rum and Calvados).