I didn't find this thread 'til Laura pointed it out- that's cause I always have message center up on this computer.
This was a strange year. We moved to Ca in 1998. Every year , until this year, it has felt like a Big Event happened. I have minor quibbles with this year- like DH needs to find another job and we need to learn to save some money. ***
As I was typeing that I realized - yes something very big, and not so good happened. This is the year I found out I had asthma by ending up in the ER. And since April we have been trying to get back to normal. Which, because I forgot about it .. means maybe things are getting back to normal. But it does explain the slightly worn around the edges. feeling. I went thru 2 months of anger at all the drugs in my life - and DH still twiches if I don't feel well. (BTW, I never get sick)
There were lots of good thing. We live in a neighborhood where I could bang on lots of different doors at any time if I needed help. We have fun with these people. We put on our first house concert. We had a wedding of some friends in our backyard. DH made a guitar for a our 7 year old neighbor.
To go back to what I want for next year . For us to learn to save even a litlle money. That will chase the money hamster out of my head and give us a little confidence. A new job for DH. even if all the bad parts went away , I think he has grown beyond this job. and I'd like to find a way for me to go to school. I think I have the place picked out, I just need to find a way.
another post that is less about me will show up soon.