I'm digging the multiple timeline explanation(...also very Earth2...plus!Others...huh, there are a LOT of parallels I didn't think of until just this minute...) because it helps me to wave away a lot of the missing logic.
Funny how that one idea has turned me from "Turns out I DO know how to quit you, stoopid show", to "Okay, maybe one more date."
The first 6 eps of the season were bad enough that I was wondering if I was going to continue in the Fall.
Lost has definitely won me back. Grey's Anatomy on the other hand...
The plot developments sound intriquing, and I think it's a great cast. But Lost burned me so badly I don't think I'll be giving it another chance without a Mutant Enemy writer in the bullpen.
Isn't Drew Goddard still on
Speaking of continuity, didn't they go out of the way early on to establish that Charlie (the onetime swimming champ of all England, or whatever) couldn't swim?
Yes, but you know, that whole swimming champion thing was a lie because he thought he had to do it in order for everyone to be saved.
when they showed him using the Motorola RAZR, i figured it out because they've been fairly careful about props like that in the past and it really jumped out at me that that phone wasn't available pre-crash.
::sits proudly next to tiggz::
I said that, too! Actually, I said, "Did they have Razrs then?" and Ben (my ten-year-old) rolled his eyes and said, "Of course, Mom, but maybe he decided *not* to shave." Heh.
Despite everything, I love a lot of these characters. As ass-pully and eye-rolly as it can get (and despite a few episodes where I was really firmly quitting now, I swear it, cold turkey, man, no more), this show always manages to throw some kind of curveball that hooks again. I like the idea of them flashing *back* to the island next season, because why not?
Also, I think with a commitment for three more short seasons, the writers can really plan how to wrap up everything, and leave themselves one open door to continue through if the show goes longer than that. So I'm hoping we can get some resolution for all the various questions (although I feel like I need to make a chart to keep track of which ones have been answered already, somewhat or completely, because my brain = a rusty sieve lately).
I thought the Razr was a prop continuity error, or maybe a my memory error. Future just did not even cross my mind.
Actually, I said, "Did they have Razrs then?" and Ben (my ten-year-old) rolled his eyes and said, "Of course, Mom, but maybe he decided *not* to shave." Heh.
Hee. Heheehee.
Yeah, I totally didn't work out the future is now thing. I think the SO did, though.
It's funny, though, because of my time away, I don't now know what is still wanky and what was purportedly resolved. Like the OMGWTFPOLARBEAR. Didn't realize that one had been addressed.
Anyway, it's crazy, and I guess we'll watch to see what happens.
I said that, too! Actually, I said, "Did they have Razrs then?" and Ben (my ten-year-old) rolled his eyes and said, "Of course, Mom, but maybe he decided *not* to shave." Heh.
HA! Too funny.
I didn't even see the phone. I mean, I saw that he used a phone, but I didn't see it. I just figured it was the future/present because he looked like shit.