My neighbor who was supposed to take care of my cat didn't come home last night, so I couldn't give her my key.
So I topped off Ruby's food, and left two bowls of water.
Hopefully, she won't die while I'm away.
I had to put laundry in this morning, because somone decided to do four loads of laundry late last night.
Need to shower, dry clothes, pack, check and recheck everything in my apartment to make sure I've shut everything off, and haul ass.
Re: ita's link - [link]
Biofuel kills the Amazon rainforest.
The last year I have numbers for (2003) 95% of harvested soy was used for animal feed. Human food, and biofuels were trivial in comparison. That said the larger point is valid: not much care is being taken to make sure that biofuels are grown sustainably - though done properly they can be.
I'm at work today, and though I'm diligently trying to be a good worker bee
I try to be good strong worker man, but refrigimator so messy. So, so messy.
ION, our co-counsel at Legal Aid is starting to chap my ass. I Do Not Need Your Attitude, Missy. This may be your first filing, but it certainly ain't mine. CHILL OUT.
Allyson, Ruby will be fine. How long will you be gone?
DJ, for Thanksgiving games you always root for Dallas and Detroit.
no. Detroit, maybe. Maybe.
Heartwarming story for filming and showing at Thanksgiving from this morning's Trib: [link]
Allyson, Ruby will be fine. How long will you be gone?
Four days. She'll be terribly lonely.
you might need to get some lotion for your ass.
I'm at work. Several other offices here are closed so parking was easy peasy.
Must not go SHRIFT SMASH. Must not go SHRIFT SMASH. Must not let the bastards win.
Allyson, leave toys or toy-like things (a paper bag--Cat Heaven!) out for her to amuse herself with while you are gone. I might also leave the radio on a talk station.