I'm at work today, and though I'm diligently trying to be a good worker bee
I try to be good strong worker man, but refrigimator so messy. So, so messy.
ION, our co-counsel at Legal Aid is starting to chap my ass. I Do Not Need Your Attitude, Missy. This may be your first filing, but it certainly ain't mine. CHILL OUT.
Allyson, Ruby will be fine. How long will you be gone?
DJ, for Thanksgiving games you always root for Dallas and Detroit.
no. Detroit, maybe. Maybe.
Heartwarming story for filming and showing at Thanksgiving from this morning's Trib: [link]
Allyson, Ruby will be fine. How long will you be gone?
Four days. She'll be terribly lonely.
you might need to get some lotion for your ass.
I'm at work. Several other offices here are closed so parking was easy peasy.
Must not go SHRIFT SMASH. Must not go SHRIFT SMASH. Must not let the bastards win.
Allyson, leave toys or toy-like things (a paper bag--Cat Heaven!) out for her to amuse herself with while you are gone. I might also leave the radio on a talk station.
I will work this afternoon, and it iwll be dull. and yup, I will work Friday, and it will be busy , but it will be all college students doing work, so no reall work. But at least on firday after work is the xmas parade and tree lighting here in Niles. it is a very small town parade, but with cool dancing horses. of course that is balanced by dogs wearing xmas lights.
All you Dallas haters make me sad.