You know what is annoying? When late paperwork spends 3 weeks on someone's desk (nagging ongoing), and then when the paperwork is reviewed? It is rejected for irritating reasons and must be redone.
If you wanted me to redo it, why didn't you say so three weeks ago?? This is paperwork that is 6 weeks late, by the bye.
And the person waiting for the paperwork? Of course she'll yell, but you can't tell someone that high up the ladder that it is literally not your fault because it spent 3 weeks unlooked-at on your boss's desk. Grrrr!
Why am I not allowed to yell? When is it my turn?
I'm separating out my hardly wears -- by wearing it, and seeing if I feel good at having hauled it out of the closet.
I keep putting things on, and realizing... No. I'm trying not to put those things back in the closet/shelves.
You know what? I am employed in the wrong business. I need to go work for a sleezy corporation or politician or something. Because I can
Without even meaning to. I mean, I just came out of a review in which I basically said, work is routine, I don't have enough to do, it isn't that hard, looking like the fucking savior of the western world, or at least central B'more. And I'm not sure how that happened. @@ Such a fraud.
Of course, I just got an email telling me to expect a freaking wall of smoke to hit the outside of my building and a very strong odor of diesel smoke, so maybe it all balance out.
Because, sarameg, you don't want to disappoint. The same reason I agree to do things that I have no interest in doing. "Will you teach this extra class of kids, losing the only time you have off all day?" Sure!
I want to make a shirt that has a take out cup of coffee on it that says "caffeinated and pink...FEAR ME" on it.
"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: if there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God, you just rejected Him from your city."
Don't turn to FEMA either.
Who does that leave?
I think that leaves Boy Scout Troop 442. And that's the troop with Mikey "Snotsucker" McGruder. And it's led by Mr. Thurmond who everybody knows is a secret drinker and is having an affair with Mrs. Horowitz, the 5th grade teacher. And their brightest scout, Jeffrey Kingman has failed to achieve the "Knot tying" badge four times, even after Mr. Thurmond said he'd accept "tying your shoe".
So, you know...Dover's fucked.
A reader alerts us to news of Pat Robertson's latest fatwa: Calling down the Almighty exact revenge for the town of Dover, Pa. tossing out the school board who mandated that "intelligent design" (i.e. "magic") be taught in schools. "I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: if there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God, you just rejected Him from your city." [link]
Yeah, that's weird since Intelligent Design has NOTHING AT ALL to do with creationism.
Because, sarameg, you don't want to disappoint.
That and I don't care to point out what a big slacker I am....
Gah. That Esquire article is brilliant, but also infuriating.
At the moment I feel like it is too late for America - we are in decline (in so many ways) and the institutions we need to stop it (the press and the government, mostly) are too damaged to stop it.
But maybe I'll feel better tomorrow....
1. I am bored
2. I can't leave for another hour
3. Entertain me, O internets!