It seems obvious that someone besides my sister should be taking responsibility for the injury. If my sister does have to sue, it will have to be for an amount much greater than what the other family/school would pay if they offered to cover her expenses because the insurance company has a claim on any recovery. So, she'll have to sue for their costs and hers and all the fees and she can ask for pain and suffering.
If they'd made a phone call and said, "we're sorry, our son did a dumb thing, and he's going to be mowing lawns until he can get a real job to help pay the bills. Can we reimburse you for what the insurance company doesn't cover?" my sister probably would have accepted that as fair. If the school's principal said, "our teachers are supposed to report every threat and are supposed to supervise classes, I've repremanded the two teachers involved and am calling a meeting with all the teachers to remind them of what is required so this won't happen again" she probably would have been satisfied.
I still would have wanted to kick the shit out of the kid, of course.
This time, Aidan turned toward his Daddy, smacked the keyboard hard with one hand, and said, "FUCK IT!" and then walked away.
The stuff I miss when I skim. Oy! Owen likes to bang on my keyboard but he's a little pre-verbal for "fuck it!" But that's only a matter of time. We're pretty sure the boy will swear like a stevadore.
The stuff I miss when I skim. Oy! Owen likes to bang on my keyboard but he's a little pre-verbal for "fuck it!" But that's only a matter of time. We're pretty sure the boy will swear like a stevadore.
Then he'll be back in the running for Emma's hand.
Which is probably for the best since Aidan and Lili are an OTP buffista/goth-wise.
I'm curious as to why you see this as liberal thinking.
It's probably more an opportunity to whip out a Principal Snyder quote.
I'm curious as to why you see this as liberal thinking.
Um, that's a Buffy reference. I don't think she meant anything by it.
I'm curious as to why you see this as liberal thinking.
It's a riff on an S2 or maybe S3 Buffy quote, dear.
(Dear being Dylan and not Burrell, not that Burrell is not a dear person and all, but I'm not Southern enough to "darling" and "honey" and "dear" everyone in sight.)
Um, that's a Buffy reference. I don't think she meant anything by it.
Yeah, and even without knowing so explicitly, the use of "fuzzy-minded" and "gets you eaten" generally indicate some sort of jokyness.
And now that we have the rules of humour down pat...
Sometimes I think Annabel means to forego ever learning to talk and instead communicate through interpretive dance.
We were both sitting here having our lunches. I looked over and asked if she was done and ready for her nap. She immediately tore off her bib and gave an exaggerated, theatrical yawn.
And now that we have the rules of humour down pat...
What about pratfalls? What's the verdict on them? Funny, or just lame?