Gud, what your wife is doing sounds a lot like the way I've acted when I've been severely depressed.
I remember getting those thin envelopes from the bank knowing those were overdraft notices and throwing them away because it was too much to deal iwth. And then going and spending more money. I had a debit card and would say "it's not working right, can you run it like a credit card". I think I ended up over drawn by nearly $2000. My parents had to bail me out. I had a couple of bounced checks that went to the Attorney General that I had to take care of and I wasn't allowed to have a debit card for nearly a year.
Sleeping lots is also familiar. I would get overwhelmed or really numb and just try to sleep and think that I'd sleep until "things got better." Which is impossible but at the time I didn't care about that or much of anything. Just lots of numb.
ITA with Jess on the not afraid of stuffing salmonella.
Our practice is to jam as much stuffing as physically possible inside the bird, and then have a whole bunch of extra cooked alongside.
Gud, what your wife is doing sounds a lot like the way I've acted when I've been severely depressed.
Yeah, it really, really does.
ALWAYS the stuffing in the turkey.
I'm from a huge-ass family. In the course of my life I've been to, what, 35 thanksgivings? With a sum total of some six hundred PLUS guests? I've never seen a single case of salmonella from the damn stuffing.
Our practice is to jam as much stuffing as physically possible inside the bird, and then have a whole bunch of extra cooked alongside.
Oh yeah. In the back, in the front, in big handfulls stuffed up under the skin as far as we can.
I've never had stuffing in the turkey. We have dressing. I think this year I'm going to make G'ma's dressing.
Oh yeah. In the back, in the front, in big handfulls stuffed up under the skin as far as we can.
I'd be afraid that would dry out the breast. How do you keep it moist?
I usually shove some lemon slices and thyme and butter up under the skin for flavour, but I guess stuffing could work too if it was moist enough.
I'm going to be the voice of dissent and say that I don't think the non-paying of bills was a passive-agressive move. When you're severely depressed, you sometimes just can't deal with things, and reality twists, and it seems plausible that if you ignore them they'll go away. She probably didn't want to tell Gud she'd quit paying them, because she knew it was wrong, but couldn't bring herself to deal with them.
I think Raq may well have it right, Gud. Doesn't make it logistically any easier for you, but maybe less... scary?
I'd be afraid that would dry out the breast. How do you keep it moist?
It's never been dry, but I'm not sure why. We baste it plenty, that could be it. The stuffing doesn't go SUPER far.