I heard somewhere recently that Blue's Clues has been shown to seriously increase the problem solving ability of kids. Like, to an absurdly statistically significant degree.
Just throwing that out there, since somebody mentioned Blue's Clues.
In other news, I just finished a logical proof of the existence of God. It's interesting. I'd sketch it out but, well, it was a 100 page book most of which was incredibly dense philosophy. The proof itself took about 10 lines, once ALL of the proof's context was explained. Without that, the proof itself is pretty useless.
I'm not sure about all of the arguments that provide the context, though 97% of them make perfect sense. I'll need to mull the other 3%.
The real question is: even if I do come to the philosophical decision that rationally there must be a God, will that actually effect my feelings one way or another? I don't even know.
In other, other news, I saw Avenue Q today (from the front row - go ticket lottery!) and it was hi-larious, and also had more actual plot than I expected. Gershwin Girl (who, by the way, is totally enamored with that nickname - I sent her a slightly edited version of my schmoop) seemed to really enjoy herself, so maybe we'll make trying to get cheap theater tickets a common outing. That would be a yay.