Gershwin Girl (who, by the way, is totally enamored with that nickname
::pumps fist in triumph::
Yes. Yes you do.
I did. And my wife had a vodka tonic waiting for me that was bigger than a cowboy's brass spittoon.
Or would you prefer it if I just punch you in the arm
That'll do. Maybe a slap fight. No thumbwrestling, though!
I highly doubt it it a valid proof.
Hey, didn't we have this discussion a couple months ago? Was there math, D?
Huh. I highly doubt it it a valid proof.
Oh, it's valid, within its own context. It's the axioms I could probably poke holes in.
Oh, it's valid, within its own context. It's the axioms I could probably poke holes in.
::cancels plans for axiom submarine::
There was symbolic logic, which is math, sure. I'm still not 100% sure I followed it, and definitely can't give it. The book is "Minimalism: A Bridge between Classical Philosophy and the Bahá'í Revelation" by William S. Hatcher if you want to check it out. It's a really cool read, whether the God proof holds up or not.
A question just popped into my head: Would the proof still be as valid if there were no human beings (or other intelligent life) anywhere in the universe? (Ignoring the fact that the proof was created by an intelligent human.)
Talked to my mom tonight. The wuwu one. Who has a cold. I forgot to ask her why she had a cold. Besides, I should really wait until she feels better to taunt her, right?
I think boogers come from stress about car repairs, but I'll have to look it up.
No, she's got the fancy hybrid that she loves. It might be roofing issues though, she has those.