None of my best friends get to wear my bra. I'm not sure if that affects the metaphor any, but I thought I should be clear.
The key to dealing with me when I'm crying is totally ignore it. Acknowledge, even after the fact, at your peril. Crying's about me. It's sheer miscalculation when anyone else witnesses it.
OK, I take it back then. The count is reset to one undergarment metaphor. However, I reserve the right to draw a connection between "underwear" and "cheesebutt" at a later date.
But asking me to pray? It's like touching a strange woman's pregnant belly; other people find it perfectly reasonable behavior, and I find it horribly invasive.
Ugh, I hated that. My worst YOU'RE-CROSSING-A-LINE-HERE incident though, didn't even involve me. Ben was a baby--probably about six months old. I know it was summer, and I remember the outfit he was wearing, which exposed nearly all of his wonderfully fat legs. We were out for a walk and stopped in the local bakery. An old man started praising him, but then he kept grabbing Ben's thighs. I gritted my teeth through the first one, telling myself to think of his reaction as the one I have to great art--that I have to touch it. But he did it repeatedly, and by the end, my adrenaline was pumping so strong it took all my strength not to deck him, as I was struggling for a graceful escape.
I was sobbing in a public bathroom one day and these two women came in and prayed INCREDIBLY LOUDLY for God to help me. After oh, 10-15 minutes of my inability to stop crying and their passionate entreaties in the Ladies' I had to come out and didn't know what the fuck to do so I prayed with them to GET THEM TO GO AWAY. That took another 10-15 minutes.
Oh my goodness.
Bon, that's happened to me, huh? ALWAYS on the worst day I've ever had.
starts writing children's book called "The Many Adventures of Nutty and Her Underpants".
Chapter One: Underpants Go To Church
A's manager Ken Macha will not return.
reason # 879 why I shouldn't be pregnant - strangers reaching out to touch my stomach would lead me to punch and or stun gun people on the subway.
People I don't know touching my kid will FREAK ME RIGHT THE FUCK OUT and I will reign down on their heads two completely normal sized fists.
reason # 879 why I shouldn't be pregnant
English is too wobbly. I thought this meant you
pregnant. For that crazy, pre-conscious second.
I'd hope that I could protect my (putatively) pregnant belly the way my hair seems to be currently protected. For those as slip through, the next reaction is panic. And then gratitude for their lives. And I wouldn't have to do anything.
The strangers that touched my tummy were generally older, Hispanic women who patted my tummy, said something in Spanish and smiled at me. I didn't mind them. But then, I have almost no boundaries.
Sometimes, strangers will pat Em's head, but I don't mind that either. I am passing the no boundaries thing on.
However, continued pinching of her legs? Taser. A lot. And then kicking in the head.
whoa ho ho, that bon is hi-larious.
I got mad hop, yo.