OK, don't want to be a prat and all, but there's no way to get back to the home page from the individual entry pages. You're kinda trapped.
We know, we know. The glorious web designer is working on it, but every thing we tried broke on one browser or another.
Awwww -mama!!!
Maria - pics, ain't talking to you without pics!!!
eta - cept, you know I have no willpower, so, um, HI!!!
Mine own cutie pics.
Ded. Teh cute is overwhelming, and her momma's pretty hot too.
pics, ain't talking to you wihtout pics!!!
I have been assured by the photographers that the online proofs will be available no later than the 24th, but next week is more likely. I'm still waiting for our lazy-ass friends to get me links/CD's of pictures they took.
I have put our Delphi photos up on Flickr:
I know we've got a few great snapshots of Delphi---the place is extremely photogenic. We even have one of Christopher standing on the Navel stone--or whatever they call it.
Those are very pretty , Raq.
Hell, yes. This has broken my father.
Ooof, Maria. I hope they manage to get the fuckwit and make the charges stick.
I could totally see Em as a Michigan farm baby.
Gothic Charm School is lovely!
Maria! ::hugs you:: But...what do they need to catch someone for? What happened?
Was at my mom's for a week, and am never going to be caught up
Sorry -- just read Beep Me. Damn, Maria! That's awful. All the catching-the-bastard ~ma in the world.
Also, Mama! Such a nice sound. Yay, Aimee! And Em!
Gah, I gave Maria crap before I read Beep Me. I'm a bad Buffista.
Argh! I'm so sorry, Maria!
{{{Maria + family}}} I hope they catch the perp right handily.
Em called me "mama" for the first time on Sunday in the airport.
Thanks everyone. I feel terrible with the almost non-stop requests for ~ma over the past year, but it's good stuff. I trust it more than detective work right now. The fuckSOBwit is gonna get exactly what's coming to him.
Suzi, don't feel bad at all. Hell, I want to see pictures RIGHT NOW!