Gothic Charm School is lovely!
Maria! ::hugs you:: But...what do they need to catch someone for? What happened?
Was at my mom's for a week, and am never going to be caught up
Sorry -- just read Beep Me. Damn, Maria! That's awful. All the catching-the-bastard ~ma in the world.
Also, Mama! Such a nice sound. Yay, Aimee! And Em!
Gah, I gave Maria crap before I read Beep Me. I'm a bad Buffista.
Argh! I'm so sorry, Maria!
{{{Maria + family}}} I hope they catch the perp right handily.
Em called me "mama" for the first time on Sunday in the airport.
Thanks everyone. I feel terrible with the almost non-stop requests for ~ma over the past year, but it's good stuff. I trust it more than detective work right now. The fuckSOBwit is gonna get exactly what's coming to him.
Suzi, don't feel bad at all. Hell, I want to see pictures RIGHT NOW!
Aimee, congrats on being called mama.
Thanks, Pete! I'm working "Peev" and "Gothmother" for your visit.
I'm sorry about the robbery, Maria.
Loads of "aawwwwww" about Em's new vocabulary, though.
One good non-wedding story:
Joe and I were taking Em over to Joe's mom's Friday. Em was tired and sleeping when we were supposed to leave, so I chose to let her sleep instead of waking her up and her being cranky. My mom took her over there around 5:30 and told MiL, "Em hasn't had dinner yet. It's in the bag." I had written a note and told MiL everything there was to know and told MiL that Em should eat between 6:30 and 7. We call her to check in around 7:30-8 and Em is SCREAMING in the background. I ask MiL if she'd eaten. "She had half a bottle." "Did you give her the food in the bag?" "Oh. I din't know she ate solid food. "
::headdesk headdesk.::