It's weird. I think the combo of the admitted crush and their rejection makes them think they have all the power in the (not)relationship, and that turns them on.
That is definitely not the type of power game I'm into.
Someone explain "man-ho" to me, please. I'm guessing it's not really a male prostitute.
Heh. Nah, I'm just using it as the equivalent of -- like the girl in high school who slept with every. single. guy, including the Shop teacher? She wasn't actually a hooker, but she still got called a ho.
And on the man-ho Crush!Boy -- it's a little more complex than I'm willing to discuss in a public forum (and I'm sorry to be coy about it, because I really don't mean to be), but I actually think, after pondering it all day, that when he told me he wasn't attracted to me, he more or less meant "If you're romantically interested in me, I am REALLY not emotionally available, so don't go there." And that kind of scenario leaves a lot of room for flirting and backrubs. Which is fine, as long as both people know where the other is coming from. And I do now, and so -- eh. I'll let him live.
Though I still feel not-so-attractive and also very very wary to dangle my little velveeta-filled heart out in front of me again.