Or those creepy RealDolls(TM).
I saw a TV special about them a couple of months ago! There was one old guy, a widower, talking about his RealDoll. That was interesting.
Oh, and they also had various dildoes attached to crankshafts or something. All running on electrical power, though for some reason I'd find a pedal-operated one pretty funny.
Well of course. You have a Thai hooker to slut for, after all.
I would OUT SLUT the Thai hooker, dammit.
Well, out suck.
I would OUT SLUT the Thai hooker, dammit.
Let the record show that Trudy is challenging a Thai hooker to a whore-off.
SHE would challenge ME!
Ok, let the record show that Trudy would be challenged by a Thai hooker.
In the end, only ONE can love you long time! WHO WILL IT BE??!?
t Imagines Ann Robinson saying "Thai Hooker! YOU'RE theWeakestLink!"
She wasn't actually a hooker, but she still got called a ho.
Suddenly, I'm earwormed by Salt n Pepa ("difference between a hooker and a ho ain't nothin' but a fee...")
OK, question for y'all. I am contemplating applying for grad school next year. If I do this, though, I'll really need a letter of reference from my current supervisor--I'm thinking there's a very limited pool of people to approach, really, plus most of the places really want one from your current supervisor.
However, I don't want to be all "give me a recommendation, I'm outta here!". Because even if I get in, it's entirely possible I'd decide not to go--it's a long time between sending in the application, and deciding, and going. Many things could change. But I fear if I am all "I want a recommendation! For a school all the way across the country!"...well....it wouldn't go over well.
Anyone have any bright ideas for this?