OK. Dylan should be home soon, so I'll leave it for him to figure out which would work best.
I left Annabel alone for a minute to go get the phone from the other room. I came back to find her sitting on the couch, paging through
Self-Editing for Fiction Writers
with a look of utter concentration.
Unfortunately, Dylan has the camera in his work bag, or this would've been recorded for posterity.
That is definitely not the type of power game I'm into.
Good lord, of course not. It's thoroughly disrespectful, if that's what's going on. People aren't just to be used for ego-gratification. That's why people get dogs.
People aren't just to be used for ego-gratification. That's why people get dogs.
Or those creepy RealDolls(TM).
Or those creepy RealDolls(TM).
I saw a TV special about them a couple of months ago! There was one old guy, a widower, talking about his RealDoll. That was interesting.
Oh, and they also had various dildoes attached to crankshafts or something. All running on electrical power, though for some reason I'd find a pedal-operated one pretty funny.
Well of course. You have a Thai hooker to slut for, after all.
I would OUT SLUT the Thai hooker, dammit.
Well, out suck.
I would OUT SLUT the Thai hooker, dammit.
Let the record show that Trudy is challenging a Thai hooker to a whore-off.